Track Discord sentiment
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We automatically analyze every single Discord message and use a Machine Learning model to predict the sentiment of messages based on the content. Sentiment is ranked between -1 and 1. Scores near 0 are relatively neutral.
Positive Discord messages: The total number of positive Discord messages in the past 15 days and percent change of the total in the last week compared with the total in the week before that. (12,582 from screenshot below).
Neutral Discord messages: The total number of neutral Discord messages in the past 15 days and percent change of the total in the last week compared with the total in the week before that. (112,716 from screenshot below)
Negative Discord messages: The total number of negative Discord messages in the past 15 days and percent change of the total in the last week compared with the total in the week before that. (5,556 from screenshot below)
Click into these positive or negative panels to see past messages sorted with the most positive or negative messages first.
Average sentiment over time: We get an average sentiment score for all messages on any given day to chart average sentiment over time.
Average sentiment over time for any channel: See average sentiment over time for any particular channel on the top chart, and see the total volume of messages being sent in that channel on the bottom chart. Showing the volume helps you get a sense for whether the average sentiment score is representative and based on enough data.
Volume and sentiment breakdown of all messages: Volume of positive, negative and neutral messages over time. This gives you a sense of the breakdown of types of messages over time.
You can change the time period by clicking the 3 dots icon on the top right of tabs with charts.