Create and share a form

To get started with a form, follow the below:

  1. Click on "Forms" in the nav bar

  2. Click "Create a New Form" button

  3. Select the social handles you want to collect from your users. Currently, we allow the collection and verification of

    1. All standard wallets

    2. Discord nicknames

    3. Twitter handles

    4. Telegram ID, Username, and Name

    5. Email

  4. Enter the Title of the form and the copy explaining what the form is looking for, e.g. "Blaze loyalty program sign up" and "Please share your Discord, Twitter and Wallet addresses here in order to gain access to a Blaze loyalty NFT".

  1. Enter a success message title, such as "Congrats!", as well as success message copy you want to see when someone completes a form, such as "We'll distribute your Blaze loyalty NFT at the end of the the month."

  2. Enter a Call-to-Action such as "Checkout our twitter handle". You can enter your Twitter, Discord, Telegram and Website URL as Call-to-Actions

Note: Turning on Call to Action will disable the Redirect to URL feature under that is available through the Success Message

  1. Customize your forms by uploading your brand logo. Further customisation of Backgrounds is also available.

  2. Save this and click "Copy Link" on the saved form.

  3. Share this link with your users however you wish.

To learn more about sending Quests and Rewards based on form responses, check out:

Rewards, Social Referrals and Quests

To learn more about sending out forms to new users automatically in Discord, check out:

Auto-send forms to new Discord users

Last updated