Custom Bot

We enable you to communicate with your Discord members while keeping your company's brand front and center through Custom Bots. Custom Bots empower you to set your own logo/icon and bot name for the Blaze bot. There are a few steps to get things straight, but we'll hold your hand along the way.

Please note Custom Bots are available on our Premium plans.

To get started:

  1. Create An Application

Go to Discord’s Developer Portal then hit New Application. Give your bot a unique name and upload your logo/icon.

  1. Turn On Privileged Gateway Intents

Go to the Bot tab, scroll down, and make sure all 3 privileged gateway buttons are turned on as shown below.

  1. Select A Scope For The Bot

Go to the OAuth2 tab and select URL Generator. From the scope section, click on the bot checkbox option.

  1. Select Permissions For The Bot

After selecting the bot option, the Bot Permissions section will appear with additional checkboxes. Select the Administrator option under General Permissions. Please note that other options will immediately be greyed out after selecting the administrator option.

  1. Get The URL For Your Bot

Within the same tab, scroll to the bottom of the page to get the generated URL. Copy this URL and paste it in a new tab on your browser. You will be redirected to the Discord Authorization page to add the new bot to your server. Click Continue. Ensure that you have selected the server you want the bot to be used in in the drop-down and, that you have permission to manage the server.

  1. Kick The Blazing Bot Out of Your Server

On your Discord Server Dashboard, locate the Blazing Bot on the far right. Right-click on the Blazing bot to reveal a list of options. Click on Kick Blazing to kick the Blazing Bot out of your server.

  1. Get Your Bot Token

Head back to the Developer Portal tab. Within the Bot tab, scroll up to get your bot token. First, reset the token to update the token in your bot's code. Click on the Yes, do it! button that will pop up.

  1. Copy Your Bot Token

After resetting your bot token, your token and a copy button will appear. Click on Copy to copy your bot token.

  1. Provide Us With Your Bot Token

Go to the Custom Bot tab on your Blaze settings, select the discord server account you want to set up the custom bot in and paste the copied token in the box below. Click Submit.

You have successfully set up a custom bot on your Discord server!

Last updated