
Supported platform integrations by Blaze

How to add an integration to your dashboard?

  • Navigate to settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner

Current supported platforms

We provide 2 integrations/seat, you can add more integrations with every seat @ 99$

Twitter Integration:

1. For Posting

  • Make sure that you're logged into the Twitter account that you want to connect, click on the connect button, authorize & you're good to go!

2. For Messaging

  • Login to the Twitter account you'd use for initiating the DM message campaigns

  • Connect your Twitter to Blaze

3. For Ads

You'll need to add us as an 'Ads manager' manually so that we can via your Twitter Ads account. Steps:

  • Account settings > Edit access to account > Add access > Select Twitter Ads accounts & Ads manager > click checkbox labelled "Can compose promotable tweets" > Save changes

Telegram Integration:

  • Add our bot @blaze_ai to your channel or group as an admin.

  • Send this message to your channel or group - /connect e6fcf3b3-e6e5-42e4-b69a-3b76833ad184

Discord Integration:

  • To get connected successfully, you will need admin access for your server / guild. You also may need your 2FA handy, as most servers have this set up.

  • Click connect on Discord, and log in

  • Once you get connected, a loading page will come up and may persist for up to 20 mins! Our system is hard at work pulling in the last 2 weeks of data, so you can start getting value from Blaze right away.

  • Leave the tab open while your Discord data processes.

You can reach out to us in Discord if you have any issues:

XMTP Integration:

  • Login to your Metamask account

  • Connect > Authorise Blaze > Sign the request

Linkedin Integration:

  • Fill in your username & password for the platform

  • Enter the recieved OTP

This process gets done with almost instantly in most cases but if it doesn't, try to restart the process & checkout the status to verify the integration success.

Warpcast Integration:

  • Login to your Farcaster account on your phone

  • Connect > Continue with Farcaster > Scan the barcode on your phone & allow Blaze to integrate

Cross check the status of your integrated accounts & contact us if you want any of the integrations to be removed.

Last updated