X Post Search

In X Search, you can filter by:

  • contains keyword: Add keywords here to be matched to tweet content. Tweets containing either of these keywords will be collected in the next step. When you put quotations ("") around the word, the search tool will search for that exact word. When you enter the word itself, the search tool may return results that contain that word embedded in another word.

  • does not contain keyword: Add keywords here to be excluded from the signal created from to tweet content. Tweets containing neither of these keywords will be collected in the next step.

  • contains hashtag: This will return tweets that contain the specified hashtags.

  • mentions account: This will return tweets that mention the entered account in the tweet content.

  • is posted by: Add accounts here for which you'd like tweets that have been posted by these accounts to be collected.

You can create combinations of filters using AND and OR, then select tweets only with images, then sort by relevance or recency. Finally, name your search something that represents the search results you're expecting and click "search tweets."

Last updated