LinkedIn Post Search

In LinkedIn Post Search, you can filter by:

  • Contains keyword: Add keywords here to be matched to post content. Posts containing either of these keywords will be collected in the next step.

  • Posted by (author keyword): Add keywords here to be matched to the headline of the author of a post. Posts whose author headline contains either of these keywords will be collected in the next step.

  • Advanced filters:

    • Does not contain: This will return posts that do not contain the specified keywords.

    • Mentions account: This will return posts that mention the entered account in the post content. Enter the LinkedIn url of the accounts in the text field.

    • Author has keyword title: Add keywords here to be matched to the headline of the author of a post.

    • Is posted by: Add accounts here who you would like to filter by. Posts that have been posted by either of these accounts will be collected. Enter the LinkedIn URL of the accounts in the text field.

AND (Conjunction)

If this is selected, then all applied filters must be satisfied simultaneously for a result to be considered a match.

OR (Disjunction)

If this is selected, a result will be considered a match if it satisfies ANY of the applied filters.

Last updated