How to generate a lead list or segment of wallets from onchain activity

How to get started with Wallet Discovery & Segmentation

The Blaze Wallet CRM enables you to discover, enrich and segment any set of wallets. What stands out here is that you can use the existing wallet data to follow up with the leads or find new wallets based on interactions with a specific contract. The resulting direct and detailed insights into the segmented wallet data would give you a massive edge over your competitor while realizing the high ROI business areas.

Wallet Discovery

  1. Upload Wallet list:

Upload the wallet data in a CSV format and choose to map these with their Twitter handles, if available or their wallet address. Our system also scans the list and suggests the favorable mapping based on the available data.

  1. Select/Input a Contract Address:

You can select or input a contract address and find all wallets that interacted with this address over a period of time or all current token holders of this contract. Think of it like Shazam for discovering on-chain leads. All you'd need is a contract address and you walk away with a list of potential customers whom you can target in a personalized manner by profiling this data.

  1. Website visitors: Coming soon.

Wallet Discovery

The previous wallet searches get saved with an overview of wallet data by default and the new wallet search can be viewed by clicking the bell icon for further segmentation.

Last updated