Telegram filters
General Filters:
Using Search: This as an open search filter which allows you to enter any keyword/phrase. This filters values across the Telegram database.
Exclude bots: Helps exclude bot accounts from the database
Exclude potentially fake accounts: Helps exclude potentially fake accounts from the database
Exclude non-premium telegram users: Helps exclude non-premium telegram users from the database
Personal Filters:
First Name: First name associated with the user
Last Name: Last name associated with the user
Username: Telegram user name associated with the user (usually comes in the format of<username>
Bio: Bio / Summary associated with the user
Groups they are a member of: Indicates the telegram groups that they are associate with or a part of.
Advanced Filter operations
Include: This allows you to include a set of phrases/keywords
Exclude: This allows you to exclude a set of phrases/keywords
Min: Checks if the chosen measure is more than a specified value.
Max: Checks if the chosen measure is less than a specified value.
Last updated
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